Thursday, June 25, 2009

Share, Live, Learn

Kassandra Speaks:

I had asked for those inclined to comment to my last entry and no one did, and at first I was bothered a bit by this. Then I realized that as uncomfortable as it is for me to speak of this things, it must be just as much if not more uncomfortable for any you that do have something to share.

So I am leaving it open to any that wish to converse on the subject at hand to email me at

These prophecies are burning inside me, they scream inside me to be heard. I hope most of all that they are heard. Even if they words I write plant seeds to grow in a future time, then I will have feel like I have done what I set out to do.

Somewhere in the PNW there is a cave. This cave is known to someone who knows others who can teach and then create a safe space for when the time comes. This is not to be seen as fanatical, it is to be seen as practical, like the modern emergency kit kept in the care or a garbage pail in the garage.

It would be about storing what would be needed to start a new life. As we as people start to realize more and more that we have taken too much from our mother and she is going to strike out to survive, we start to ponder living with balance.

I do not know where the cave is, I do not know who will teach the children. I wish I could be more specific, but this is what I know. The human race will change in such a dramatic way that it will be brought down upon its knees creating a more humble way of living. What I have been shown is not total annihilation, it is preserving the planet and all its creatures…including humans.

What message keeps shining highly in my eyes is the gathering of teachers who know how to live off the earth in varied ways. In order for us to continue our children must know how to lead, beyond merely surviving. They must know how to create a plan and to live by it.

There will be much fire, as it was like with Troy. Buildings will crumble. In certain cities only. The West coast will be hardest hit. The landscape will be forever changed. The destruction of some cities will be directly a doing of the Goddess within our planet, Gaia’s dark sister. She will strike as she has done before, many times over. But this will be second to the pandemic that will spread like a web interconnecting the human race like no other event could.

I leave you with a visions of an epic cleansing that many speak of, the difference I make is that I believe this is a beginning for us as a people. It will unite those survive instead of warring more. Women will take up more leadership roles and the species will be better for it. There must be a balance of energies….both masculine and feminine. We have been ruled by a patriarchal society where men make choices based on their need for power. It would seem like most men in powerful positions in our world seem to be questing for a elusive Ring of Power.

Gaia and her darker half are in pain, but they have also seen the very few turn into a vast number that then become catalysts to many recent changes. We seem less willing to live in ignorant blindness.

So again I say fight for what you want with your life and how you live it. We cannot live in fear of what is to come, we can only prepare for it and then set it aside to live in the moment. We still have so much to enjoy, to improve, and to learn. Please do not get caught up in the fear mongering machine, live now and make each day count as much as you can, and always, every day…be grateful for what you have.

I will come back to visit and post if I receive new information. Sometimes I remember visions from that time and will post if they occur as well.

I manifest this blog to reach as many as it needs to…to induce sharing of information and connections. I give this to you, the people of Gaia and her Dark Sister to use as you will.

Many Blessings to you and yours,

The Prophetess Kassandra

Friday, May 15, 2009

What if….there were no technology or power?

My first prophecy was really about laying down a foundation, like growing roots for this matter of epic change. Now I speak on a greater matter than that of the event itself, I will speak of a vision given to me, one I attempted share with others but no one would hear their message, let alone live it.

There is to be many gatherings of people with specific skills to teach others, namely children on how to survive after the fall of technology. If there was one single blaring message louder than the others I received, it was the fact that by whatever means, technology would be lost to who ever survives and so it is of utmost importance that we prepare.

I have given this much thought as I remember from reading Stephen King’s novel The Stand there was a similar scenario (excluding the Christian mythos), where a “super flu” expertly kills off most of the planets inhabitants and eventually the planet started to shut down power wise. Now this book was written in the late 70’s when perhaps computers were not running much of anything, which I feel safe to assume is not the case presently. So despite knowing this prophecy to be true, I really have no idea how long it would take, longer certainly than it took in The Stand, but eventually power will fail.

Can a few keep power going in some cities? Certainly I would think that be true, but with the reality of countless dead bodies rotting and creating a perfect breeding ground for disease might just be one factor making it wiser to stick to our countryside’s. So that brings me back to my point, those who possess the knowledge of how to live off the land must be gathered to teach our youth to do so as well.

This was so very clear...children in rows practicing archery, sword play, hunting, food preparation and storage, farming, weaving…all in a farmstead setting. Really all manners of living that did not depend on the use of power or any other type of technology are to be taught and even lived presently if at all possible.

It has occurred to me as I have pondered this vision, that so many in our world are already starting to live as I have foreseen. Our global economy failing to such a degree has brought people back to the simplicity of our ancestors. Living “Off the grid” once was thought to be a lifestyle that of extreme tree huggers, now we ponder their lifestyle as…possible, reasonable and maybe even attractive.

A shift in consciousness is upon us to scale back and to reassess what our needs are against our wants. So many are coming to the same conclusion, our wants have brought us to this place of destruction and fear. So is this fear productive? Yes, I believe it is. More and more people each day come to believe that we are all of one race upon a planet that is burgeoning with overpopulation and greed. If this leads many to attempt to stave off the inevitable, than again yes, I know that this fear is a productive conduit for change.

So finally I would invite any who feel connected to this prophecy in anyway to leave comments inviting a dialog with others who may feel the same pull towards this destiny. Long ago when I first spoke of the prophecies I was frustrated by the unwillingness of those given the messages to face their destinies, now I am speaking to a much larger audience in hopes that it may spark a knowing in even ONE person. And if that one person shares their knowing with another it could attract more energy, and like a ripple on a pond, in time reach so many others.

The Prophetess Kassandra

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

As promised my first blogged prophesy

I think it best to start with the who. She is the primal aspect of Gaia, her dark twin, her shadow self, her deep fiery opposite. She showed me where she lived and I felt all her heat and raw power. She is the one that will cleanse our earth out of a survival instinct to continue.

It is not like Gaia and her dark sister have not done so before. Only now there is a race of humans who have advanced perhaps far beyond the limits of nature and have mucked up the order of things. There is only one thing for it, a cleansing of those that have threatened her to perhaps the point of no return.

She would have all of us be cleansed from her surface altogether, but she intends that some would survive. I will go into that later in much more detail, for now I wish to make as clear as I can the who and the how.

So I suppose next is the how. This is where she was rather ambiguous. She showed me a few different scenarios or perhaps they were one of the same, they just appeared to be separate. The world seemed abandoned, as though everyone disappeared; only they did not. In some cities there was mass destruction leaving me to believe there were perhaps two scenarios, but sometimes I think these are same event, different places, impacted by the loss of humans in different ways. No matter which vision, there was this overwhelming quiet and emptiness that I know I can truly not describe fully!

As Kassandra I am gifted with my own abilities to sense things around me and so I have come to my own predictions separate from that of the Goddess’s. I believe what I saw was the end result of a pandemic of epic proportions. I sense that first we will continue to see more and more natural disasters which will create the supreme breeding ground for a super virus that no one will be able to stop. This scenario is certainly not original but it is what I sense as a seer.

In the end everything dies. We are all subject to the cycle of life our Mother Gaia also has a cycle of life. It would be arrogant of us to believe we with all our technology could not be brought down so very completely, but I can assure you, that what I was shown was very plausible and frightening.

Now I said I would offer advice with each posted prophecy, this one is simple. We must as a human race continue our diligence in stopping the destruction of Gaia. Yes that sounds defeatist, but it is not. Simply put, who is spared may depend on who continued to fight for Her even if they were certain of what I have prophesied here today would come to be. Our courage will have a major impact on who will continue our race.

The other simple fact made so very complicated by so many, is the fact that we are human kind. She will globally cleanse the human race, she will not care what religion or what color your skin is, she will only be concerned with HER survival.

So please heed my advice and fight! We still have power over how we react to such intense foreknowledge. We can fight for ecological change by each of our countries leaders, it is our planet as well, and it is worth fighting for.

The Prophetess Kassandra

Monday, May 11, 2009

There must always be a beginning and an end...

What if…we were to heed the new prophesies of Kassandra about the simple and irrevocably certainty that the raping of Mother Earth will not be allowed to continue?

When I was first shared the given images and knowledge of how our world would be transformed, I was thought to be unstable. Sound familiar? Kassandra foresaw the burning of Troy, which no one wanted to hear and eventually shunned her for it and then finally, was ordered to stop.

Recently it has come to my attention that I may have held in foreknowledge given to me by an Entity. This information has taken on a life of it's own and now in order to dispel its mutation within, I must speak the truth.
A truth that no one wants to hear (just like Kassandra), yet I must put it out there for anyone and everyone to take in if they so wish. What is done with the prophesies is up to the reader.

I will now take on the guise of Kassandra the Prophetess. I will be twittering on Twitter under her guise and will blog here as Kassandra as well. Yet you will not find fear mongering here. For every prophecy you will find sound advice that may speak a quiet, or even loud ring of truth within you. Please share what you read here if it does ring that inner bell; send it on and on so that it may grow to be a life of its own!

So I begin with messages of an end that will create a rebirth,

The Prophetess Kassandra